YB ni bukan YB tapi YB...

YB ni bukan YB tapi YB...

Carian Di Blog Ini

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear PM Najib...

Dear PM Najib,

As a result of the developments on July 9, the world is now paying increased attention to Malaysia.

In particular, we now wonder how free and fair your nation's elections are. We have learned that some of your country's citizens believe that Malaysia needs electoral reform. On July 9, they marched with a coalition called Bersih 2.0, and they called for free and fair elections.

You responded by declaring Bersih illegal and suppressing the 'Walk for Democracy' with overwhelming police force. The world noticed your heavy-handed reaction, and it wondered why a peaceful demonstration calling for fair elections bothered you so much - so much so that you were willing to risk Malaysia's international reputation - and give your country and yourself a major black eye.

When you returned from your visit to Europe, you declared that Malaysia's elections truly are free and fair, and that Umno has never cheated in any election.

I am glad to hear that.

Because it means that in Malaysia's next general elections, you have nothing to hide.

Governments that manipulate elections have lots to cover up. But you say that your elections are free and fair, so that means you have nothing to be afraid of showing to all of us in the outside world, not to mention your own people.

Therefore, I am sure that you are willing to readily agree to the following proposals:

1) Allow international groups to observe your elections. Based on your assertions, they will find nothing amiss, and their reports will give credibility to Malaysia's election results.

2) Allow observers from all political parties to witness the postal balloting that takes place on military bases. For years, the opposition has said that something is amiss. But since you say that Umno never cheats, I am sure that they will find nothing wrong, and you will be vindicated.

3) Let's put an end to all the accusations about phantom voters by using a simple, effective and cheap solution - indelible ink. 

Your Elections Commission wants a super-sophisticated biometric system, but there is no way it can be in place by then - and many people worry that it can be manipulated. Indelible ink works - just ask the world's largest democracy, India. I don't think anyone has ever disputed the results of India's elections in over 60 years.

4) Finally, let RTM be truly independent, like the BBC and NHK and the public broadcasting systems in Australia, France, Germany, and elsewhere in the world. RTM does not belong to Umno. It belongs to the people.
As long as RTM - funded by all the people of Malaysia - acts as the propaganda arm of the 25 percent of Malaysians who voted for Umno, no one can believe that Malaysia's elections are fair and free.

So, my dear Prime Minister, it's all very simple. You say that Malaysia's elections are free and fair. Now you have a chance to prove it to the outside world and remove all doubts. And if your party wins, then the Malaysian people - and the world - might finally be convinced. 

If you refuse these suggestions, then the doubts will linger, and your assertions about the honesty of Malaysia's election will continue to be questioned. 

John Malott

P/S: The writer is former US ambassador to Malaysia.

Monday, July 25, 2011

News: Serangan Norway Dan Sistem Biometrik Sebagai Alat Pengundian...

Salam dan hai... 

Lama tak update blog ni... bukan apa sebab tetiba j penyakit malas datang menyerang...

Banyak plak tu Berita Hangat yang best... contoh kes serangan yang berlaku kat Norway yang mana target serangan adalah MUSLIM... dan cerita ini tak mendapat cover berita yang hangat kat Malaysia... dan pasal pengunaan biometrik dalam sistem pengundian akan datang...

So YB agak malas la nak komen pape... so baca j cite yang YB bagi link kat bawah ni...

Apa korang tau pasal isu ni?? Baca surat khabar tak?? Jangan asyik baca pasal sukan dan nombor ramalan j...

Serangan di Norway...

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Serangan di Norway yang telah mengorbankan lebih 90 nyawa terus mencetuskan debat panjang berhubung Islam dan terorisme, walaupun serangan itu tidak melibatkan Muslim.

Di sejumlah media Barat, hakikat bahawa penyerang, Anders Behring Breivik ialah pelampau Kristian berhaluan kanan dan bukan individu atau kumpulan ekstemis Muslim kini mendatangkan satu beban berkaitan nilai kewartawanan mereka.

Banyak media Barat kini terpaksa berdepan bukti bahawa Islam tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan serangan itu.

Akhbar-akhbar berpengaruh seperti New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times dan Telegraph terjerumus dalam perangkap Islamofobia mereka sendiri apabila sejak awal mengaitkan kejadian itu dengan kumpulan Muslim, tanpa sebarang bukti atau petunjuk yang jelas.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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OSLO, 24 Julai — Lelaki fanatik sayap kanan yang mengaku melakukan serangan bom ke atas bangunan kerajaan dan menembak peserta perkhemahan, yang meragut 92 orang kelmarin, mendakwa dia bertindak seorang diri, demikian menurut polis Norway hari ini.

“Dia mengaku melakukan kedua-dua serangan letupan bom dan menembak (seorang diri), meskipun dia tidak mengaku kesalahan jenayah,” kata pemangku ketua polis Sveinung Sponheim pada sidang media mengenai tindakan mereka menahan suspek Anders Behring Breivik.

“Dia berkata dia seorang tetapi polis perlu mengesahkan segala apa yang dia katakan.

“Berdasarkan beberapa keterangan saksi dari pulau (tempat kejadian), kami tidak pasti sama ada penembak seorang atau lebih,” kata beliau.

Sponheim berkata pihaknya tiada suspek lain berhubung kejadian paling buruk di Norway sejak Perang Dunia Kedua ini.

*selanjutnya di sini.
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SUNDVOLLEN, Norway, July 24 — A Norwegian right-wing fanatic who killed at least 92 people believes his acts were atrocious but necessary, his lawyer said, as the nation mourned victims of its worst attacks since World War Two.

Police were today investigating whether a possible second gunman took part in the shooting massacre and bomb attack on Friday that traumatised a normally peaceful Nordic country. 

But they also defended the speed of their response to the second stage of the attack when the gunman was able to shoot unchallenged for a prolonged period on an island outside Oslo, shortly after the huge bomb went off in the capital.

In his first comment via a lawyer since he was arrested, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik expressed willingness to explain himself in court at a hearing likely to be held tomorrow about extending his custody.

“He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary,” lawyer Geir Lippestad told independent TV2 news, adding that his client admitted to both the shootings and the bombing.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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The man suspected of a gun and bomb attack in Norway has called his deeds atrocious yet necessary, his defence lawyer said.

"He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary," defence lawyer Geir Lippestad told TV2 news on Saturday.

As reported by Al-Jazeera, Lippestad said his client had said he was willing to explain himself in a court hearing on Monday. The court will decide at the hearing whether to keep the suspect in detention pending trial.

Earlier on Saturday, officials in Norway had charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man with killing at least 92 people in a gun and bomb attack described as the worst act of violence in the country since World War II.

Police confirmed to Al Jazeera on Saturday that the suspect had been named as Anders Behring Breivik.

Breivik, who confessed to firing weapons during questioning on Saturday, belonged to right-wing political groups. But officials said they are not jumping to conclusions about his motives.

Reports suggest he belonged to an anti-immigration party, wrote blogs attacking multi-culturalism and was a member of a neo-Nazi online forum.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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A photograph of Norwegian attack suspect Anders Behring Breivik is broadcast by Norwegian television July 23, 2011. — Reuters /TV2 Norway pic

*selanjutnya di sini.
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Sistem Biometrik Sebagai Alat Pengundian...

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Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya, SPR, akhirnya bersuara menyatakan akan mengimplementasikan sistem biometrik untuk perjalanan proses pilihan raya di Malaysia.

Sistem biometrik ini, sekalipun belum diperincikan, tentunya kedengaran menarik dan mengujakan rakyat Malaysia secara amnya.

Sebelum kita pergi lebih jauh menerobosi kebarangkalian kejayaan yang bakal dicapai melalui sistem yang mengujakan ini, eloklah kiranya kita menahan gejolak nafsu kita yang sangat teruja dengan kita menggariskan beberapa perkara yang seharusnya menjadi pokok perbincangan, iaitu, masalah semasa yang dihadapi, gerak kerja inisiatif sendiri oleh parti-parti bertanding, matlamat yang ingin dicapai, dan cara atau sistem yang bakal digunakan.
*selanjunya di sini.

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Ok... selamat membaca...

P/S: Malaysia memang pelik... isu best macam ni pun dapat cover sikit je...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Answer That You Waiting For...

Salam and hi...

So I bet some of your waiting to know the answer to the weird picture that I post few days ago...

Some of you... answer... a man and women naked...

Some of you... answer... fishes...

Some of you... cannot really interpret the meaning behind the picture...

So then... the answer is... both of them is correct... but incidentally dolphin is a mammal... so fishes is kinda 50% wrong...

Well then... what really you can learn from this picture...??

If you show this picture to 5-12 years old kids... (in my case my younger sister who are at behind back when my sister show this picture to my family) they will will view this pcture as...

OMG!! Swimming dolphin...!!

But if you show to adults... most of the time they will see picture of man and women 'doing something'...

What can this picture indicate about your brain??

It simple... the picture is to detect whether or not your mind been corrupted by the world...

Corrupted by the world?? Nonsense...

It is true... see around... there are so many Hollywood movies in any local theater and cinema today... how many that you can find movies WITHOUT any kissing scene, swimming scene, almost nudity scene... and of course... 'intimate on bed' scene...

I can bet it will be least then 10%... even when you see local movies... the most of the directors try to adopt and implement this so called important scene...

We living in world that our mind is easily corrupted as we grew older... 

But do not confuse... this picture did not indicate whether or not you are pervert or something...

Because corrupted mind do not usually about sex and stuff... view things in daily life in negative perspective also corrupting mind...

Remember when we used to be so pure and innocent...

When we see tall tree and try to climb... kids see excitement... while adults see danger...

When we see lake and try to dive... kids see new world to discover... while adults see only water and fish...
When we see stars... kids see them with excitement and hope one day they can grasp even one of the stars... while adults see stars as stars... something that beyond the sky and far away...

Well I'm not saying that grew up and becoming an adults is no good... becoming mature over time... is the way to survive in this world...

But as we grew up... people around us tend to discourage us... try to make us feeling down... when we try to shoot for the star... some of the people surround will say... "Try to walk on earth more... rather go beyond the sky..."

This discouragement over time will eventually corrupted our mind... 

Even in test and exam... most of us just only have the willpower to pass... not to ace the subject...

See how corrupted our mind are...??

Now you know who you really are... either the corrupted mind person or not...

If you are one of the person who view the picture as naked man and women... there are hope for you to cleanse your mind... 

Maybe you can start to view thing in positive way... little by little but effective... or maybe start do more good deeds towards another people... or maybe try to get close to God so He will provided guide to you...

For those who view this picture as so called fishes... it doesn't mean that you already get away with corruption of mind... as life is full of 'detour' and 'roadblock'... but try to be like a deaf frog... who continue climb the tower even when the another frogs discourage him... and remember... get close to God as that the only ultimate way to cleanse our mind and soul...

So this maybe my last post in English... as I really suck at typing in English... sorry for my limited vocab and grammatical error... if you guys find some error... please correct me...

We are learner who learn from another learner...

P/S: I hope that you guys can catch what I try to tell...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Learn About Netiquette...

Salam and hi to readers...

Just now I surf through Youtube.com to take a glimpse about new video...

And I somehow end up seeing this video... about netiquette and the needed to learn it...

Oh yeah... netiquette is short for network etiquette or Internet etiquette... just in case you wondering...

A nice video... on top of that very informative and simple... even 5 years old kids (provided that them know English) can learn something from it...

So take a look...

In case you guys wanna know more...

10 rules of netiquette... 

P/S: Wondering about my etiquette in my own blog...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quote For Today... 16 July 2011...

Salm dan hi...

Tadi YB ada baca The Malaysian Insider... so ada satu post yang agak menarik post tu ada satu quote yang YB dari dulu cuba cari... ni adalah link post tu... orang bercakap mengenai isu BERSIH 2.0...

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak out for me."
~ Martin Niemoller, German pastor who opposed Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust ~

Apa yang kita boleh belajar dari cite sama la macam cite kat bawah ni...

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A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.

"What food might this contain?" the mouse wondered. 

He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed this warning:
"There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said,
"Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him,
"There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The pig sympathized, but said,
"I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray.. Be assured you are in my prayers."

The mouse turned to the cow and said,
"There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The cow said,
"Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap

. . . .Alone. . .
That very night, a sound was heard throughout the house -- the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it. It was a venomous snake whose tail was caught in the trap.

 The snake bit the farmer's wife.

 The farmer rushed her to the hospital.   

When she returned home she still had a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup.

So the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient:

But his wife's sickness continued. Friends and neighbors came to sit  with her around the clock. 

To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.

But, alas, the farmer's wife did not get well... She died.
So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat or all of them for the funeral luncheon.

And the mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and you think it doesn't concern you, remember this story…

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Dalam cite ni... quote kat atas... memberi pengajaran bahawa... masalah untuk seseorang atau untuk satu kaum itu pada satu ketika akan juga masalah orang len...
Bukan pada hari ini... hari esok

Bukan pada hari esok... mengkin hari seterusnya...

Kerana itu kita perlu sedar... akan hal ini dan cuba membantu masalah orang len...

Macam kes BERSIH 2.0 ari tu...mungkin pada ari ini kita tidak dikasari oleh polis... tapi mana tau kemudian hari masa kita pula... kalau kita tak cuba bendung dari awal...

Sama juga dengan isu pilihanraya dan SPR... mungkin ari ni kita masih ignorance... tapi satu hari nanti kita mungkin menyesal kerana tidak cuba mengubah keburukan yang ada dalam sistem pilihanraya sekarang...

Jangan jadi macam isu gambar kartun Nabi Muhammad... orang kutuk dan hina Nabi Muhammad baru nak bersuara... baru nak memberontak menentang kezaliman... walhal... kezaliman yang sebenar nye ada pada diri kita... iaitu orang tengah hina Islam kat Palestin... tengah hina Islam kat Lubnan... dengan menghalau dan membunuh umat Islam di situ...

Hatta... ajaran nabi Muhammad yang paling mudah pun masih tak boleh buat... iaitu tuntutan lima Rukun Islam dan menutup aurat...

Kita la sebenarnye yang mengutuk dan mencaci Nabi Muhammad dengan melupakan ajaran yang dibawa baginda... tak masuk lagi isu couple dan keluar malam laki pompuan yang bukan mahram...

Oleh itu... mari la cakna dengan isu tempatan mahupun luar negara... agar kita menjadi pemimpin yang bukan sahaja memimpin... tapi mengajar orang len untuk memimpin lebih hebat...

Mari la mengubah sebelum terlambat... kerana mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati...

P/S: Nak cuba buat entri... Seminggu Selepas Bersih 2.0...

Friday, July 15, 2011

What Can You See In This Weird Picture...

Salam and hi to this blog readers...

A few years ago... my second sister, who are second oldest in my siblings... show one weird picture to our family... which included my younger brother, my youngest sister and my mom... to be exact...

This one particular picture is made by unknown guy... which conveys a little bit weird information... about human brain...

It also can indicates what type people are you... so without further due... this is the picture...

So what did you see in this picture??

Please give your answer... either in the comment section below... or through my Gmail address...


After a few days... like in this coming Tuesday... I will give you the real answer through another post...

The REAL answer that will shock your mind... and please do not ask Mr. Google about this picture before you answer it... because I freaking hate CHEATERS... (especially in test and exam... and I do hate myself)

For those who already know the answer... please do not help another people... as this is test for discover one true self (at least at the moment you see this pic...)

I do know that this picture will cause an uproar towards some people... but trust me... this picture have a meaning that will shock your truth about yourself...

So... answer truthfully... and Insyaallah... you will know yourself better after this...

Oh yeah... before I forgot... the answer will be post in this blog so be make sure to check it out in this Tuesday...

P/S: The very first time type a post in English... any wrong grammar/vocabulary??

Thursday, July 14, 2011

News: Non-Muslim Dan Hadis...

Salam dan hai...

Tengah syok baca Berita Harian keluaran semalam (13 Julai 2011) YB tertarik dengan berita yang best ni...

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SHAH ALAM — Ketua pembangkang, Datuk Mohamad Satim Diman yang diarah keluar dari Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor semalam, kesal kerana menerima hukuman itu hanya kerana mahu bertanya kepada ADUN Sekinchan dari DAP, Ng Suee Lim yang cuba mempersendakan Islam.

Katanya, beliau hanya mahu meminta penjelasan kerana kecewa dengan Suee Lim yang sering menggunakan hadis dalam sidang DUN, tetapi tidak dibenarkan serta diarah keluar dan serta dilarang memasuki sidang sehingga tamat persidangan oleh Speaker, Datuk Teng Chang Khim.

Chang Khim ketika membuat keputusan itu, berkata beliau terpaksa mengarahkan Mohamad Satim keluar dewan kerana menghalang Suee Lim meneruskan perbahasan walaupun diperintahkan duduk.

Mengulas lanjut, Mohamad Satim berkata, Suee Lim tidak layak bercakap mengenai hadis kerana beliau bukan orang Islam selain tidak memahami maksud hadis Rasulullah SAW itu sendiri.

“Saya ingin bertanya kenapa beliau bercakap soal Islam sedangkan beliau tidak beriman kepada Islam. Kami orang Islam pun tidak berani berhujah kerana takut terpesong daripada maksud hadis,” katanya.

Mohamad Satim berkata, bukan Islam sepatutnya lebih menghormati sensitiviti orang Islam dengan tidak menyalahgunakan hadis dan al-Quran bagi kepentingan politik. 

“Kalau saya menyatakan sesuatu dalam ajaran agama Buddha, Kristian dan sebagainya dan jika ia tidak betul, sudah tentu akan menyinggung perasaan penganut agama itu. Saya juga ingin tanya di mana pemimpin PAS lain yang mendiamkan diri semata-mata menjaga kepentingan politik dan bukannya maruah Islam,” katanya. 

*selanjutnya di sini.

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So... ada sapa pembaca di sini ingin memberikan hujah masing-masing?? Adakah haram bagi non-muslim berhujah dengan menggunakan -Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah??

So meh la YB jawap menggunakan ilmu YB yang setitik dari ilmu Allah yang selautan...
Bagi pendapat YB... tidak salah bagi seorang yang tidak beriman dengan Islam menggunakan elemen Islam dalam berhujah...

Bukankah itu dakwah??

Dakwah bukan bermaksud mengajak melakukan perbuatan baik semata-mata... tetapi juga berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri dan masyarakat sekeliling...

Dan non-muslim termasuk dalam golongan yang dikatakan masyarakat itu...

Sebagai muslim sejati... kita tidak patut marah kalu ada orang non-muslim mempersendakan agama Islam... seharusnya memperbetulkan mereka kembali dan memahamkan erti sebenar ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah...

YB pernah experience bende ni... dan apa YB buat... YB hanya senyum ketika mereka bergelak ketawa... lepas habis gelak... YB baru explain kat diorang maksud dan erti yang diorang persendakan tadi... YB senyum bukan kerana kelakar tetapi kerana kesombongan YB akan ilmu agama maka menyebabkan ada orang masih tak faham apa itu Islam...

Bagi YB... apabila seorang non-muslim mula menggunakan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan mereka... bukankah itu bermakna ketakutan terhadap Islam itu mula menipis?? Bukankah itu menandakan bahawa mereka sudah mula ingin memahami akan Islam sebenar??

Firman Allah... Muhammad diutuskan sebagai pemulih akhlak manusia dan Al-Quran itu adalah kitab suci...

Maka sesiapa sahaja boleh berhujah menggunakan dua elemen terpenting dalam Islam ini... selagi ayat itu tidak membawa kepada kekeliruan kepada public... dan mesti dirujuk terlebih dahulu dengan orang yang lebih berilmu dalam agama Islam...

Menggunakan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah dalam berhujah bukan nye mempersenda tetapi menaikkan nama Islam kerana sudah ada non-muslim berani menyebut ajaran Islam di bibir mereka... 

"...Kami orang Islam pun tidak berani berhujah kerana takut terpesong daripada maksud hadis..."

Terpesong sebab hang tak cuba nak faham maksud dan erti hadis tu... memey la (nada Jai dari KL Gangtar)

YB yakin dan percaya... bahawa Ng Suee Lim sudah merujuk mana-mana tokoh agama Islam sebelum menggunakan hadis tersebut... lagipun... sebagai pembangkang... tak kan la dia nak buat 'bulu' dengan rakyat melayu yang sudah majoriti di Malaysia...

So lepas ni... kalu ada rakan sebelah yang non-muslim menggunakan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah ketika berhujah... maka ucapkan taniah kepada mereka dan dalam masa yang sama memperbetulkan diri mereka andai mereka tersalah erti...

Kalu apa yang YB share ni salah maka perbetulkan la YB ni... andai kata terkurang maka tambah la garam dalam lauk YB ni... kerana diriku hanya YB... Yang Belajar

P/S: Apa hadis yang si Ng Suee Lim ni guna?? Nak tau...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Belajar Dari Burung...

Salam dan hi...

Tetiba terasa nak taip blog ni... tapi tak tau nak taip pasal pe... so YB nak share salah satu perkataan yang YB selalu share dengan orang apabila ada orang tanya dengan YB mengenai status YB setelah satu tahun berada dalam alam remaja-hampir-dewasa ni... iyela... ada pasangan/couple k tidak... (tak faham kenapa orang selalu tanya...)

"Look at the birds in the sky, learn from them... their are flying and soaring high in the sky... but in the end of the day... they still cannot go outer space... that is the bird's limitation..."

Apa yang YB maksud kan adalah... sejauh mana kita berada... sehebat mana kita ni... ada perkara yang kita tak akan boleh buat...

Jadi tok sah la nak couple-couple ni... sebab pergaulan laki pompuan ada limitation... and the list of limitationis in the Quran and Sunnah...

Rule are there not to be broken... but for guide our life to perfection... (applicable only for Allah's rule)

P/S: Malas nak berpasangan... nanti kene belanja makan... takut makin kurus YB ni...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just Random Video About BERSIH 2.0

Salam danhia...

Ini adalah satu compilation oleh 2 rakyat Malaysia yang menyertai BERSIH 2.0...

Yang ini pula adalah satu ulasan dari berita Jepun yang membuat cover berita kat Malaysia...

Dari saat 0:40 sehingga 0:51 adalah satu footage yang setakat ni YB tak nampak lagi kat media kat Malaysia... jadi YB rasa tu footage yang asli... tak kan nak kata orang asing buat cover berita kat Malaysia pun menipu gak kot...

YB menangis (dalam hati jela... tak kan nak nangis depan roomate kot...) bile melihat peserta BERSIH 2.0 dalam video pertama... mana tak ye... tengah nazak tapi orang yang 'tengah berkuasa' boleh lagi duk mendalih-dalih and push responsibility to another people... dah tau kawan tu tengah nazak bantu la sebagai seorang manusia...

YB tahu yang polis dalam video tengah emo sebab nak leraikan perhimpunan 'HARAM' tu... dan 'salah' peserta tu cbe membetulkan negara ini mengunakan perhimpunan 'AMAN'... tapi tok sah la tercegat what don't know kat situ... macam orang putus tali layang-layang... tak tau nak buat pe...

Tak boleh k untuk seketika... kita buang barrier ego dalam diri kita untuk bantua orang len... you comment and condemn about people who are racist... but the man in the video, struggling on detah bed... is your own race... for God's sake...

Ingat kematian seseorang tu tak boleh tumbang kat kerajaan k?? boleh baca kat sini.

P/S: Kematian yang paling menyedihkan dalam sejarah Malaysia pada abad ke-20...

Makhluk Yang Tak Berapa Nak Cerdik Di FB...

Salam dan hi...

Tengah fikir sejenak lepas lelah setelah 3 meeting ari ni... terlihat dalam akhbar mengenai satu budak UMT... yang agak tak berapa nak cerdik...

So apa pendapat?? YB secara jujur tak nak komen apa-apa sebab budak macam ni pelik so better let another people who are more pro in handling this type of pelik people do their job...

Tapi ada kemungkinan FB kene hack... pastu pos bende gini... ada mungkin... but I thought you can delete you own post right in FB... so after quite sometime... you should just delete this thing before spread and make to much damage...

P/S: YB amat tak aktif FB... so lambat sikit dalam hal ni...

Monday, July 11, 2011

News: Dua Hari Selepas BERSIH 2.0...

Salam dan hi kepada pembaca blog ni...

Setelah dua hari selepas event terbesar Malaysia pada hari Sabtu yang lalu... apa yang YB boleh lihat semangat kuning masih belum reda dan semakin mengapikan isu ini semakin menjadi antara dua pihak yang terbabit... iaitu pihak kerajaan diwakili UMNO (parti bawah komponen BN asyik senyap j...) dan pihak pembangkang diwakili PAS (parti komponen bawah PR ada bersuara atas isu ni tapi tak ramai...)

Satu pihak mengatakan event ini berjaya atas kerana mereka berjaya membuka mata dan minda rakyat Malaysia asta kekotoran politik yang sering berlaku lebih lagi dalam gerak kerja SPR... manakal pihak lagi satu mengata dengan sekerasnye bahawa agenda yang dibawa oleh BERSIH 2.0 tidak berjaya kerana yang hadir ke Stadium Merdeka adalah 6000 orang dari ratusan ribuan orang (angaran sehingga mencecah 300 000 orang...) yang cuba membolosi sekatan demi sekatan, tembakan demi tembakna pemedih mata dan pancutan demi pancutan air berkimia oleh pihak polis sepanjang berarak ke stadium terbabit...

Tapi tak pe... YB tak kisah semua itu... bcoz... I believe what people gonna see in the end is not quantity but quality of a 'product'... so mari kita lihat sejauh mana isu BERSIH akan menganas pada masa terdekat ini...

Apa yang YB nak share ada satu keratan akhbar yang membuatkan YB terfikir sejenak...

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KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 — The government will take action against local and foreign media if they had provided false or inaccurate reports of the Bersih rally, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today.

The Home Minister said that police were viewing all recordings of the rally, following allegations of police brutality by Bersih supporters and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders.

Hishamuddin said action would also be taken against online media and bloggers if they had posted false reports.

Action would also be taken if there was any evidence of police brutality, he said.

Hishamuddin said investigations were still going on, and that he would leave it to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to charge any offenders.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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Nak tau apa yang YB fikir?? Dalam minda YB hanya ada perkataan ni j... LOL dan ROFL...

Sapa la kat sini yang sebenar nye yang cbe memalsukan fakta??

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TEMERLOH, 11 Julai — Seorang Pemuda Amal PAS kawasan ini mengecam tindakan sebuah akhbar harian semalam yang menyiarkan gambarnya dengan imej “pemuda bertopeng” semasa perhimpunan Bersih Sabtu lalu yang telah diubah suai bagi menggambarkan keganasan. 

(Gambar yang disiarkan oleh sebuah akhbar yang tidak membayangkan hal sebenarnya)

Sebaliknya beliau yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Ajak, berkata tangannya memegang bendera jalur gemilang bukannya pisau sebagaimana mahu digambarkan akhbar berkenaan.

Serentak dengan itu, beliau yang menganggap akhbar kawalan Umno itu berniat jahat dan menipu rakyat negara ini menggesa jurufoto yang menggambil gambarnya itu menyiarkan gambar  yang sebenar atau berdepan dengan tindakan undang-undang.

“Saya turun ke Kuala Lumpur sebagai anggota Amal PAS yang mengawal keselamatan dan saya berada di hadapan Maybank bersama puluhan ribu rakyat ketika itu dan saya berada di depan sekali. Antara pimpinan yang ada ialah Dr Mohamad Hatta Ramli.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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Ini adalah gambar sebenar mengenai objek yang dipegang 'suspek'

Ini bukan la kes pertama yang pernah dilakuikan akhbar dari media perdana...

YB bukan la nak menyokong mana-mana pihak dalam hal ini... tapi tak boleh ke you guys play nice even in giving out information to the public... really... photoshoped picture and real picture fake info really make my wanna puke...

And then using another type of media... like via SMS...

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GEORGETOWN — Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pulau Pinang pimpinan DAP hari ini menafikan pembabitan mereka dalam penghantaran SMS (khidmat pesanan ringkas) mengenai pemberian duit elaun untuk peserta demonstrasi BERSIH 2.0 minggu lalu.

Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng, berkata kerajaan negeri tidak pernah menghantar SMS berkenaan kepada sesiapa dan berasa kesal dengan tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab sedemikian.

"SMS itu bertujuan untuk memburuk-burukan kerajaan pakatan dan kerajaan negeri amat kesal dengan tindakan pihak yang bertanggungjawab ke atas penyebaran SMS itu," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis penganugerahan pingat kebesaran bersempena dengan harijadi Yang Dipertua Negeri Pulau Pinang, Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas, ke-73, di sini hari ini.

Kandungan SMS itu adalah: "Saudara-saudara peserta demonstrasi Bersih yang belum terima duit elaun RM300 seorang dijemput datang ambil duit di pejabat Ketua Menteri tingkat 28, Komplek Tun Abdul Razak pada 4 petang ini. Sekretariat telah sediakan RM350 ribu untuk saudara di Pulau Pinang".

*selanjutnya di sini.

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Andai kata la YB g BERSIH 2.0 (ni atas andai semata kerana YB malas nak join bende sesak gini... I have aphephobia...) YB tak akan pergi kerana duit... setakat RM300... berbaloi k sampai kene tahan dan pukul dek polis... berbaloi k sampai kene pemedih mata dan pansutan air kimia... 

Kalu tuk beli undi... YB sendiri (hampir) setuju RM300 berbaloi... tapi untuk ditetak dan maki hamun ngan orang... oh tidak berbaloi sama sekali...

YB yakin... sapa yang turun ke (atau mencuba) Stadium Merdeka bukan la golongan yang teramat miskin sampai RM300, apa saja digadai... tapi mereka adalah golongan yang 'teraniaya' di bawah kekotoran yang berlaku di Malaysia... sebab tu mereka sanggup mengharung polis atas kerana mereka ingin menuntut hak mereka kembali...

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SHAH ALAM, 11 JULY, 2011 — Demonstrations will not solve political problems or issues in any given situation, said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

The self confessed demonstrator during his student days in the 1970s, Zahid said it was just a waste of time and a way to get hit back with a vengeance.

This was because the country's political mould was not the same as in other countries as Malaysia gained independence via negotiation.

"I don't think we need demonstrations to express views. Members of Parliament are given ample opportunity to get their message across via the traditional and new media," he told reporters after launching the 'Al-Quran Sinar Sejagat 2' Wakaf Fund at Kompleks Taman Seni Islam Selangor today.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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I agree with you, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi... demonstrations is not a way to solve thing... what would good thing come with demonstrations??

But to me it is a way to make another people realize... that there are something wrong... and we need to fix it ASAP...

To me it is one of the most (so called) extreme way... after taking another serious not extreme steps... to open the public eyes and see that there are something wrong... there are people trying to manipulate soemthing and this have to stop... for the betterment of the country... not for any political parties...

But then again this happen...

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BANGI, 11 Julai — Kira-kira 75 peratus golongan belia Muslim negara ini tiada atau kurang minat dalam politik dengan 66 peratus belum mendaftar sebagai pengundi, demikian menurut kajian terbaru diumumkan Merdeka Center hari ini.

“Menjauhkan diri daripada politik boleh dirumuskan dengan sikap mereka tidak menunaikan hak mengundi mereka.

“Di kalangan mereka yang layak, sehingga 66.3 peratus belum mendaftartkan diri mereka sebagai pengundi,” kata penemuan kajian bertemakan “Nilai, Impian dan Ideal: Belia Muslim di Asia Tenggara” dikendalikan bersama oleh Merdeka Center, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Goethe Institut Malaysia dan Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom di sebelah Malaysia dan juga penyertaan Lembaga Survei Indonesia di republik itu.

Hasil kajian diumumkan di kampus induk UKM di sini pagi ini.

Dalam pada itu 20 peratus lagi tidak pernah mengundi meskipun sudah mendaftar sebagai pemilih yang sah.

“Di mana, kaum wanita lebih sedar (tentang hak mereka) untuk mengundi berbanding lelaki, golongan pekerja, pengurus, pekerja bukan pejabat dan mereka yang tidak bekerja kurang berminat untuk mendaftarkan diri untuk mengundi,” kata laporan hasil kajian itu.

*selanjutnya di sini.

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Ya... YB pun setuju.. sebab YB pun tak berapa nak minat ngan politik kat Malaysia... buka akhbar... bicara skandal terbaru para politicians... buka je internet video seks terbaru para politicians... buka je majalah... isu ekonomi merundum tetapi masih ada 'orang kaya' tak nak bantu orang susah... makin nek harga barang adala...

Sebab tu tak ramai muda-mudi yang nak join politik... kalu ada pun maybe sebab pengaruh, harta dan pangkat... dan bagi YB... BERSIH 2.0 ni adalah satu medium yang amat bagus tuk mewujudkan balik semangat muda-mudi tuk berpolitik kembali... tak kat luar... dalam kampus pun jadi la... ni tak... kat U YB ni... setiap kali pilihanraya MPP pasti agar HAMBAR... sampai kalu malam manifesto... hanya berapa puluh orang yang hadir dari 7000 pelajar di U ni...

Tapi sebab itu la YB nak tengok sangat politik kat Malaysia ni mula berubah... tak payah la nak buka pekung kat dada orang len... kalau buka aib orang tapi tuk pengajaran tak pe... tapi untuk memenangkan pihak sendiri buat pe...

P/S: Ada orang tanya... dan YB jawap... "Saya pro-kerajaan... kerajaan Khulafa Ar-Rasyidin"
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